Our Mission
Our purpose is to change the world and make it plastic-free. We believe that everybody can live in an environmentally friendly way without decreasing its everyday comfort.
We believe that contemporary shampoos have become too harsh and damage hairs in the long run. That is why we make shampoos that are gentle for our earth but also gentle for your hair. We are overly optimistic and believe that the path for an environmentally friendly lifestyle is within sight.
Doing good for the planet is the only sustainable way forward. Period.
At Pacific Spirit, we have spent years to formulate shampoo bars to make them so superior to a classic shampoo that you will never want to come back. Caring for the planet can be expressed through hundreds of tiny gestures that all add up at the end of the day.
We only use gentle surfactants and pack our shampoos with a high dose of fresh, natural ingredients, so your hairs look astonishing, day after day.
We never compromise on quality.
Our Environmental Commitment
If no action is taken to reduce C02 emissions and water pollution, we will see increasingly severe weather patterns and rising sea levels and falling natural resources. Issues like climate change and plastic pollution have all our attention as we continue to look for ways in which we can reduce our environmental impact.
We produce our products in our zero-waste facility: all the energy comes from green sources. Also, we recycle all the water and the waste produced by our productions. At the end of the day, this makes us feel immensely proud.
Our Commitment for cleaning the oceans
Our philosophy dictates us to live up to our social responsibility and help improve conditions around the world. We feel particularly attached to cleaning the oceans and have immediately embraced the Ocean Cleanup Foundation’s project. That is why we donate 1% of our sales to their cause. Click here to learn more about plastic pollution.
A word from our Founder
We have spent countless hours of R&D on improving our shampoo bars with only one idea in mind: make them perfect. I wholeheartedly hope that they will make your transition towards a greener life something that you enjoy much!
— Gabriele gavazzi, CEO and founder Pacific SPIRIT